Thursday 21 April 2016


This shows how anticipation can change from just changing the height of the bounce of the ball, even though they both have different movement speed. I think this turned out ok.
I really like how this turned out, its a simple 2D animation but the movement is quite fluent so it works. I think it would be better if i neatened it up and maybe and added colour. It shows a clear understanding of anticipation before the ball jumps and dives into the well.

Wednesday 20 April 2016

Slow In and Slow Out

I think this animation is ok, the over all motion is correct. But the animation is too quick for it to be an example of a good slow in and slow out animation. I found it difficult, to slow down the movement of the spheres at each end when they went to there peak stage of there movement. 

2D animation of a Tennis ball and a Canon ball rolling down some stairs. The Canon ball is more heaver so it wouldnt bounce as much, but the Tennis ball is quite bouncey compared to the Canon ball, because of there weight. I could improve this if I made the Tennis ball more bouncey, and slow the animation down, and probably make the Canon ball move a bit slower compared to the Tennis ball.

Squash and Stretch

This is a 2D animated dinosaur juming, I used Photoshop to make this animation. It could be improved if I added more frames and made the animation more smoother. The head movement was difficult, because it has a springy effect which is quite difficult to get right. I think I got the timing ok tho.

Timing / Spacing

The movement is a bit too stiff for the realistic ball bounce, it needs a bit more of a squash and stretch. I think the movement and bounce for the cartoon physics ball is more accurate that the realistic ball because the movement looks more fluid.

I like the movement, because it shows a clear understanding of a heavy and a light ball falling. I think the bounce of the light ball is too high. I should have not made it bounce as high as it did but apart from that I think it looks ok.

Graph Editer

I quite like this tutorial, because it simple and clear to understand. It shows you various short cuts and explains what the presets do. It explains how to use the graph editor, and shows which axis does what.

Reality vs Cartoon Physics (Bouncing Ball)


The ball just bounces theres not much change to the ball itself at all.


Cartoon physics are very different from reality because a lot of things are exagerated, for example how the ball stretches as it bounces off the floor or as it picks up speed it stretchs.

My 5 Statement Learning Contract

  1. I will arrive to lesson on time
  2. I will complete the self study each week
  3. I will not leave work till the last minute
  4. I will read the required reading list given each week
  5. I will complete my work to the best of my ability